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Meghan Don

Blessed Easter Rising!

May your life be resurrected by, and into, the golden light of love

There is a special eucharistic celebration that I do, which some of you have participated in. It celebrates the Feminine and Masculine I Am Sacred Inner Presence, and as I was entering into a special Easter blessing there appeared Magdalene and Yeshua both with hands raised blessing me. I wept at their presence and love and instinctively prayed that I may resurrect before I die. That is, resurrect into the I Am Presence. I prayed their blessings go out to all. It was a deeply joyful celebration and I want to extend it out to you this day.

I then went for a walk alone in nature to a place I had not been before. I came alive with the resurrected presence as this sacred place spoke so deeply to my soul and my body. As I was standing giving thanks to all the beings and plants and trees and waters of the forest this golden "egg" appeared, though no sun was visible. See the photo above. It was a magical moment and I was transfixed in the palpable presence of new life all around me.

I pray that new resurrected life will be visiting you at this Easter-tide no matter your beliefs.


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