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Meghan Don

Centering in the Mother-Ground of Being

Freedom is presence, not absence. Centering is an act of bringing in, not of leaving out. It is brought about not by force but by coordinations. It is difficult if not impossible for a potter to force his clay into center simply by exerted pressure. In order to take its new shape, the clay has to move… Because the wheel is center-oriented, the ball of clay will take a centered position naturally if we create the necessary support and influence. Once it has become centered, it will remain so unless there is a flaw in the clay or unless it is knocked off center by some outside force. The path to freedom is itself a series of transformations.

… We are transformed, not by adopting attitudes toward ourselves but by bringing into center all the elements of our sensations and our thinking and our emotions and our will: all the realities of our bodies and our souls. All the dark void in us of undiscovered selves, all the small light of our discovered being. All the drive of our hungers, and our fairest and blackest dreams. All, all the elements come into center, into union with all other elements…. When we act out of an inner unity, when all of our selves is present in what we do, then we can be said to be “on center.”

~ M.C. Richards, Centering [in Pottery, Poetry, and the Person]

Meditation: Contacting your Mother-Ground of Being

Gather yourself into the quiet of your being, let your breath come into a natural and gentle rhythm. Let yourself deepen and expand. On your next out-breath, let your breath reach out and join with the expansiveness of Sophia, Mother Wisdom. Let your breath rest in the peace and spaciousness here… when it feels time, take up the affirmation, “I am the ground of peace; I am pure radiant awareness.” Repeat over and over until you naturally fall silent….

~The New Divine Feminine, Meghan Don


October 7, 14, 21 Online Prayer Intensive - Live & Recorded: Mary Magdalene As The Black Madonna

Journey into and experience the mysteries of The Black Madonna: Healer of Humanity, Restorer of Justice, Strength of the Feminine

November 6 & 20 Online & The Sanctuary of Sophia: Death & Dying Introduction

In learning how to die, and what we face in our death journey we learn how to live more fully

December 4 & 18 Online & The Sanctuary of Sophia: Birthing The Christ Essence

Preparing to birth from the darkness into our own Christ Light Essence of Being and Action


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