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Meghan Don

Magdalene & The Harvest

All blessings of the Magdalene to you! And blessings of the Celtic celebration of Lughnasa, coming up at the end of the month. Lughnasa is the time of honoring the harvest and abundance of life, and also traditional rites brought unwed women and men together and dancing into the wee hours, frolicking and finding their mate in the joy of it all.

  Please see above my message from County Sligo for the Magdalene Feast Day.

What blessings of Magdalene are we harvesting today? When I think of Magdalene I feel her as one who knew the abundance of life, the fullness of her own spiritual, emotional and physical being.  And someone who used that fullness, that abundance for the good of all. What are we, as humanity, personally and collectively harvesting? It is a good question to sit with. Can I allow myself to accept the fullness of the harvest? And can I let that fullness spread out to others?

There were matchmakers in Ireland who were gifted with the sight of seeing souls who were suited for one another. I believe there are still some around, complete with a matchmakers festival, where single people from 18-91 years of age come together and dance and mingle, and hopefully find their beloved partner.

Oral stories tell of how Magdalene was also a matchmaker, seeing spiritual compatibility within the makeup of souls. I wonder if we are matchmakers for our own souls? That is, can we see into our own soul and see what kind of life is compatible for us? Perhaps we are living something other, out of habit, or narrow vision. How can we broaden our vision to take in the full harvest of our souls, the full harvest of love?

I am now in County Sligo in the North-West of Ireland, and immediately upon arrival I felt the nourishing, embracing energy of the feminine mythic landscape here. There are many stories, all revolving around the wisdom of the feminine, and in fact, this area is called the Province of Wisdom.

Queen Maeve was one of the sovereign leaders here, but unfortunately, like Magdalene, her name and power have been smeared by those who wrote down history, but her presence is strong, and is greatly revered here.  More to come on the stories of Sligo in my podcasts. It is a rich, fertile landscape of the feminine.


Latest Podcasts:

Bean Feasa: Wise Woman Stories of the Wise Woman here in Ireland: The photo here is of my Great, Great Grandmother, born in Ireland. A mid-wife and suffragette The Weather: Knowing where you belong no matter what the weather: Visiting Brigid's Well: One of the most visited wells in Ireland. This is also where the young folk would come and dance for Lughnasa in days gone by:

Subscribe to Podcast: Please subscribe to the Podcast if you would like to receive each new Podcast. And remember to turn on your Notifications. I subscribed to an astrological channel, and wondered why I never got anything. Oh, I had not turned on the Notifications, and oh, when I clicked on Subscriptions on my Youtube page there were all the videos that had been sent. Many of you are probably well aware of this, but for those few who are a little behind the technological times like myself, I offer this pearl of wisdom. :-) Subscribe Here: Summer Break I will be taking some time out from mentoring and teaching, but for those who wish to come into some personal reflective time, I would invite you to look at the Online Self-Study offerings I have now available. I have reduced the prices to make them accessible during these times. Some of the offerings are below. Self Study Online Coming Into Your Steadfast Nature: The Wisdom Way with Mary Magdalene: The Original Tender & Fierce Feminine: More offerings here: Sending The Joy of the Feminine and the Dance of the Harvest Meghan


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