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Meghan Don

Mother Mary & The Sword of Clarity

The Prophecy of Simeon has been a contemplation of mine leading up to, and during these early Easter days. Simeon prophesied revelations about Yeshua’s life as well as saying to Mary, “and a sword will pierce your soul too - so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.” (Luke 2:29-35).

This morning I was shown that at the crucifixion Mary remembered these words of Simeon and she was taken up in a vision where this sword was shown as being the sword of clarity. This clarity acknowledged the sorrow of humanity, and yet, at the same time there was also a deeper understanding of the temporal nature of this sorrow. She saw the ongoing suffering that humanity fell into due to attaching to their sorrow, and through this her heart was taken to new levels of compassion. She was also raised to the realm of divine understanding, where the joy of our eternal nature is ever in awareness. She thus became known as the Mother of Joy and Sorrow. Unfortunately, we have focused on her mainly as the Mother of Sorrows.

The piercing of her soul in order that secret thoughts of many be revealed, is Mother Mary opening the way for our own soul thoughts and pain to be revealed, without shame or denial. I then saw her after the crucifixion and resurrection as an ongoing leader of women, taking them into their grief as women, grief for the feminine, allowing this to flow in and through their bodies. And then leading the women in dance and song stirring their joy from among the depth of their soul. This too was a secret to be laid bare.

Interesting that we do not hear anything of Mother Mary’s life after Yeshua’s death, but from what I was seeing she was very active.

With the burning of Notre Dame I understood this fire to symbolically mean the holy fire of purification of the old perceptions of the feminine. I saw Our Mother being set free from our calcified beliefs, and rising to a new form and new way of feminine strength being honored with the masculine. Let us not rebuild the old ways and structures of our inner architecture, but rise from our own inner fires and holy purification this Easter tide.


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