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Meghan Don

Our Steadfast Nature

“If you are out of balance,

take inspiration from manifestations

of your true nature.”

- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Hello Everyone,

Sending you all blessings of the land and the sea from Ireland. I hope you are all well in body, mind, and heart. No doubt, each one of us is facing a very particular challenge in these times, and as we know, many are facing dire circumstances. I pray for each and all, asking the Mother to comfort as is needed.

I have been here 5 weeks now and in lockdown for 4 of those weeks, only allowed to travel within a mile of my cottage unless going for food or emergency. I am very fortunate, that no matter what direction I venture out towards there is the remarkable beauty of ocean, mountains, and rivers. Pods of dolphins and sea otters, occasionally spotted, bring much joy, as is their true nature. The mountains bring a steadfast solidity and protection, as is their true nature. The ocean brings balance with the tides. Blossoms are blooming, calves and lambs are playing and suckling on their mothers, birds are facing the early morning sun in gratitude. They are all in balance, they are all manifesting their true nature.

What of us humans? It seems we now are having to face an extreme balancing measure by staying inside, as our world has been so focused on the outer life and its material manifestations for far too long. Productivity at any cost. And now we are paying that cost. May we firstly come into forgiveness for our humanity coming into this dire imbalance, and then move into the commitment of living our true nature. Not just talking about it, or visiting now and then. So the big question becomes what is our true nature? Do we really know? And are we really living it?

What I do know is that this is a time for living the Wisdom Aspect of Steadfastness. The words of Yeshua (slightly revised) come to mind:

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise woman who built her house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” - Matthew 7:24-27

Coming Into Our Steadfast Nature: May 9 & 23

An Invitation from Yeshua and Magdalene

“Join with us, empty yourself of all anxiousness, and stand fast in the truth of your nature. This is our call. We are here for you.”

I invite you to join with me to bring alive the wisdom of Yeshua, and the true masculine nature; and Magdalene, and her true feminine Earthy shamanic nature. Next month on Saturday May 9 & 23 we will be gathering together to explore “Coming Into Our Steadfast Nature.” We will begin with Healing Sounds, so that we may sound and express all the range of emotions that are rolling through us. We will visit the monastic rhythm of living and see how this may provide a nourishing structure for us in these times. Each person will create their own ritual, meaningful to them, to restore the sense of Holy and Sacred Days, rather than one day blending into another. We will explore in what ways Yeshua and Magdalene lived into their Steadfast Nature, and what it means for each one of us in these times. Please Click Here For More Info:

This will be my last class until the fall as the unknown is upon me after this. My plans of travel, of course, have been upended, so I am unsure of where I will be staying or if I will have internet. It is the “wait and see” place that we are all in. Who knows what June will bring?

Celtic Beltaine Ritual: May 2nd

I would also like to invite you on Saturday, May 2nd to an online Celtic Beltaine Ritual. This is a Sacred Rite to ensure Fertility of the Land, where the Goddess of the Land joins in Union with the Green Man who honors her Sovereignty and protects the Earth and the people. It is also the time that the Sophian tradition honors Mary Magdalene, so we will be honoring the Hieros Gamos, the Sacred Marriage, in a new form/blend of Celtic Christianity. All are invited to join. Donations Welcome. Register Here:

And please do enjoy the weekly Podcast: Soulful Thoughts from Ireland, where I reflect on my experiences here, as well as on the times we are currently living in. They are all around 14 minutes long. See the latest Podcast below. You Can Also Subscribe Here

I Wish You All Health, Safety, and Steadfastness of Spirit

Slán, Meghan

And yes, the image above is just down the road from my cottage


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