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Meghan Don

Preparing For An Auspicious Solstice

I had a sweet Thanksgiving morning as I sorted through my collection of rocks, feathers, and sacredly shaped tree limbs. There were 3 piles: one for the Mother Shrine just up the road, one for the Shrine of the River and Trees, and another for gifts to people as the Spirit showed me. Setting out with my basket I first went to the River and Trees, giving thanks to the elemental beings of this land who have blessed me immeasurably while here in the United States; giving thanks to the steady flow of the River and her cleansing and soothing nature; and giving thanks to the Trees and their steadfast and loving being. I bowed to the Earth in her Entirety. Next to the Shrine where I placed feathers at the Mother's feet, praying for all that I have met, known, and worked with over these years. I prayed that your true heart's desire may come to be, but even more so, that you will allow your heart's desire to come to be. May all that stands in your way be easily dissolved into the Mother's love. And yesterday, I visited the area (10 minutes from here) where I thought I was to live for the duration of my life, and I walked to my favorite and sacred places with another basket of offerings, giving thanks for its deep nourishment of my soul and body. As soon as my feet began to walk here, I could feel a full immersion smile on my face. It was here that I watched the mating ritual of owls, walked in the summer nights and met bears and deer, and flew into the magic of fireflies. It was here that I swam in the river pools and soaked the light of the sun into my body while lying on the rocks. I stopped by my people neighbors wishing them well. My body feels at home here. As John O'Donohue writes, "Our bodies know that they belong; it is our minds that make our lives so homeless." This coming Saturday Dec.5th we will be exploring the Wisdom of the Body as we prepare for the Winter Solstice, an event that has prophecies surrounding it from many different traditions. It is good to prepare. Please join us.

Trusting In Love: The Mary Magdalene Support Group on Saturday December 5th 11am-12noonET. All Welcome either live on the call, or you can receive the recording. Please

click here to listen more about what we will be exploring. Or read and register here: We will do simple body prayer, learn a Druid tree exercise, inquire as to our own Earth bodies, and share together in the spirit of the embodied feminine of Magdalene. I Look Forward to Preparing the Way With You Meghan


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