Your soul is the priestess of memory, selecting, sifting, and ultimately gathering your vanishing days toward presence.
~ John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
Bring yourself into the presence of love -- know that it is right there for you. Let go of all your spiritual efforts, all your desires, and your will to know the Beloved. Simply rest in your being. Allow the waters of love to fill your soul and body. Know that you need never thirst again.
~ Meghan Don, Meditations with Teresa of Avila, p. 131
Online: The Wisdom Way with Mary Magdalene: 21 Aspects of Sophia
4 Feb – 21 April 2020
A 3 Month Module: First & Third Tuesday of the month - Join Online or Receive Recording: Ignite and Embody the 21 Aspects of Wisdom through body focused meditations. One Aspect studied each month for in-depth contemplation.
Upcoming Retreats:
Ireland Pilgrimages 2020